Gorilla trekking March

Gorilla Trekking in March

Visiting Bwindi in March: What should I expect if I go gorilla trekking in March? which month is the best for gorilla trekking in Bwindi?

The Month of March is the start of the rainy season in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. The average minimum temperature (usually the minimum temperature is noted during the night) in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park during the month of March is 11.0°C (52°F). The amount of rain in the month of march is high with an average of 102mm (4.0in). The average maximum daytime temperature lies around 24.0°C (75°F).

Both Bwindi & Mgahinga share similar climate/weather patterns. The tourism seasons (peak/low seasons) are equally similar for both Gorilla Safari parks. However, Bwindi remains the most sought after gorilla trekking park because of;

The number of Habituated Mountain Gorilla Families: Bwindi Forest National Park currently boasts of being home to 21 habituated mountain gorilla families that can be tracked at four (04) designated gorilla trekking locations; Buhoma, Ruhija, Rushaga, or Nkuringo regions. Bwindi has up to 168 mountain gorilla permits available on a daily.

Mgahinga unlike Bwindi only has one habituated gorilla Family open for gorilla trekking meaning there are only 08 permits available on a daily for travelers wishing to see the gorillas at Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.

Mountain gorilla permits at both Mgahinga & Bwindi Forest National Park cost $700per person for foreign Non-residents, $600 per person for residents (Proof of Residence is required), and Uganda Shillings 250,000 per person for East African Citizens.

How to plan a gorilla Safari during the month of March

If your plan is to go gorilla trekking in March, then it is idle that you plan to book your January Gorilla Holiday at least 06 months in advance. This is because January is a Peak season month, gorilla permits are very competitive to secure, and most hotels are equally sold out well in advance.

What to pack, bring & wear on Gorilla Safari in March

The packing list for gorilla trekking In March is no different. Bring; a pair of sturdy hiking boots, a pair of long socks or gaiters, a pair of gloves, a long-sleeved shirt, trousers, a day pack to carry your valuables and lunches on the trek, a camera (with extra memory chips & batteries), a pair of binoculars, a hut/cap, and a raincoat for just in case the weather changes. Gorilla Trekking in March

See & Print this Gorilla trekking packing checklist

Besides Gorilla Trekking, what else Can I do in Bwindi?

Besides gorilla trekking which is the main drawcard for travelers visiting Bwindi, there are a few other things to see & do in and around the forest surroundings.

  • Gorilla Habituation Experience – 4 hours with a group of Gorillas

It is only in Uganda that you can be with a Mountain Gorilla Family for 4 hours on a Gorilla Habituation Experience along with researchers in Bwindi’s Impenetrable Forest – this amazing experience – to be with a Mountain Gorilla Family as it is being habituated is one of a kind experience in Africa.

There are presently two (02) family groups being habituated, meaning that they becoming used to human contact and will not run away from visitors trekking them.

You can fly into Kigali Rwanda and 03 hours later be in the Rushaga Region of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest.  You have the choice of budget, moderate, and luxury/upmarket lodging, and can stay either in Rushaga or the scenic Nkuringo area of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest.

Learn More about Gorilla Habituation in Bwindi

  • Visit the Ride for A Woman (charity project in Bwindi) Gorilla Trekking in March

Ride 4 a Woman is a community support group that started out as a mountain bike rental – with the income from the rentals being re-invested in supporting the local women who specifically were victims of domestic violence.

From a mere bike rental project, the Ride 4 a Woman project ins buhoma has developed into a sustainable women empowerment center currently supporting about 100 women. These have been trained in tailoring, catering & hospitality and as part of the project, they have a guesthouse where tourists can stay which also doubles up as a training facility for the women in hospitality. Gorilla Trekking in March

The Ride 4 a Woman guesthouse operates at a high standard, both the accommodation and food are great.

Learn more about Ride for a Woman

  • Visit the Batwa Experience

The Batwa People are pygmies who previously lived in the Bwindi Forest National Park. They were hunter-gatherers and lived in harmony within the Forest of Bwindi. You can get a chance to visit the Batwa Pygmies who currently live outside the forest get an insight into their traditional way of life.

The Batwa Experience can be best done in the Buhoma region – However,  if you are in the South of Bwindi, you can visit the Batwa Pygmies in Buniga Forest

Besides Visiting Bwindi for Gorillas, what else can I do in Uganda?

Besides gorilla trekking, Uganda is equally big in chimpanzee tracking and wildlife safaris. For chimpanzee tracking, Kibale Forest National park has been named as the world capital for primates – this Ugandan park has over 13 primate species wandering within this lush forest cover. other than the Kibale forest, there are a few more chimpanzee trekking destinations in Uganda: Kyambura gorge, Kalinzu Forest & Budongo Forest. where one can experience chimpanzee tracking – each of them is unique and none compares to the other.

As for wildlife Safaris in Uganda, the country has up to ten (10) National Parks with half of them being savannah parks where you can go on game drives, and or walking safaris. Uganda’s five savannah parks include Kidepo Valley, Murchison Falls, Queen Elizabeth, Semuliki & Lake Mburo National Parks.

Further reading: Top 10 things to see & do in Uganda.

See how trekking in March Compares with other months of the Year.

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