How to get to Bwindi

How to get to Bwindi

HOW TO GET TO BWINDI IMPENETRABLE FOREST NATIONAL PARK: It takes 9 -10 hours for one to get to Bwindi by Road. Alternatively, if your travel budget permits, you may opt to fly to Bwindi in just 1hour 30minutes.

The Best, fastest & easiest, way to get to Bwindi from Entebbe/Kampala is by air. Flights depart from either Entebbe International airport or Kajjansi airfield. Flights from Entebbe to Bwindi take approximately 1.5hours. Getting to Bwindi Forest National park by road is a lot more rewarding but Unfortunately takes time. The drive could last ±9 hours from Entebbe. For road-trippers, we recommend breaking the journey with an overnight stay at Lake Mburo National Park or Queen Elizabeth National Park.

How to get to Bwindi Forest National Park by Road.

Bwindi forest national park is located approximately 500 km/311mi from Entebbe. The journey from Entebbe to Bwindi typically lasts ±9 hours (we call this whole day driving).

While it is possible to drive all the way down to Bwindi from Entebbe, we often like to recommend breaking the long journey with an overnight stay at either Lake Mburo National Park or Queen Elizabeth National park.

A visit to lake Mburo national park will allow you the opportunity to experience an authentic African wilderness walking safari in the company of an experienced walking safari guide to assist you in interpreting nature (both what you see and hear) while on your walking safari.

Alternatively, if you choose Queen Elizabeth National park over Lake Mburo, then you will have a chance to go on perhaps what we call the best boat safari in Uganda. This boat safari happens on the hippo-filled waters of Kazinga channel – a 4okm long natural channel that joins two (03) British named lakes George and Edward. ( See trip Suggestions that include Queen Elizabeth National Park.)

On your way en route to Bwindi Forest NP, endeavor to detour and explore the Ishasha sector located south of Queen Elizabeth National Park. Ishasha is popular for great sightings of the uncommon tree-climbing lions. It is considered the best place to spot tree-climbing lions. 

Recommended Trips to include either Queen Elizabeth NP or Lake Mburo NP.

  • 5 Days Gorillas & Lions in Uganda (visits Queen Eliz. NP).
  • 4 Days Uganda Gorilla Safari (visits Lake Mburo NP).

Self-Drive (DIY) Safaris: If you are interested in self-drive, we recommend renting a car from a reliable self-drive company. We have listed the best self-drive companies that offer pocket-friendly prices on Uganda Safari car rentals including tents, utensils, and all relevant camping gear.

Pre-packaged Safaris:  For travelers who like to have their tours organized by a local tour operator, we recommend looking through our list of reputable Uganda Safari companies. ( Also see: How to vet a tour operator before booking with them)

How to get to Bwindi Forest National park by Air.

While it is possible to get to Bwindi forest by Air, we frankly discourage this as the flight is not cheap, and we believe you could put that money to staying longer at a nice property or even consider paying for a second gorilla permit. However, if your desired means of getting to Bwindi Forest national park is by flight, you will have to with a reputable local tour operator (See: list of reputable local tour Operators) to assist you book flights to Bwindi.

There are currently two (02) companies that operate both chartered and scheduled flights to Bwindi Forest national park landing at Kihihi (40km from the park)  or Kisoro (35km from the park).

  • Aerolink Uganda operates daily flights from Entebbe International Airport to Bwindi Forest.
  • Fly Uganda (‘seat rates’ are applicable for daily flights to all parks).

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