Best time to visit Bwindi

Best time to visit Bwindi

The best time to visit Bwindi Forest National Park is in the months of January and February than June to August. The weather is perfectly dry with little or no rainfall. Wildlife viewing is better when the game is more concentrated around water sources and tracking gorillas and chimpanzees is much easier during the dry season.

Best time to Visit Bwindi

Uganda has two travel seasons: Dry and wet seasons. The Dry season falls in the months of  January and February and June to August. The Wet season months are March to May and September to November with March, April & May experiencing the most rainfall throughout the country. The Month of April is the peak of the Rainy/wet season in Bwindi.

  • March, April and May experience the heaviest rainfall in Bwindi Forest, with shorter rains in October to November. This doesn’t affect your chances of finding the mountain gorillas, although one has got to be prepared for a wet & slippery trek! Rain Jackets, and waterproof boots, are essential for travellers intending to go gorilla trekking in the rainy season. It’s also believed that the gorillas tend to move to the lower slopes during wetter weather for extra warmth – meaning your trek could be shorter.


  • June, July, August and September are the peak months as they are generally dry (though rain can fall at any time), and coincide with school holidays. This is the best time to visit Bwindi but book well in advance, especially if intending to go Gorilla trekkingas permits will sell out months in advance.

Related: Why we recommend booking your Gorilla Permits in advance.

  • December, January and February are also great months to visit. Generally dry (though rains can go further into December), the wildlife will be lured to waterholes, making this a great time for boat safaris. Migratory birds are also present.

Temperatures tend to drop quite significantly in the night – you will need to bring a sweater or  jumpe when coming to dinner and during your sleep.

Reputable  Gorilla Safari companies in Uganda

For travellers planning to go gorilla trekking in Bwindi but are not yet decided on which company to use. We have provided a List of reliable Gorilla Safari companies that you may work with from the start to the final stages of planning an enjoyable Gorilla Safari to Bwindi

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