Flights to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park
Flights to Bwindi impenetrable forest national park can either land in Kihihi or Kisoro airports – the only airports closer to Bwindi. On arrival, your tour operator will have arranged a road transfer to a lodge/hotel nearest to your respective gorilla trekking region (Buhoma, Ruhija, Rushaga, or Nkuringo). Where to stay while on a Flying […]
Best time to visit Bwindi
The best time to visit Bwindi Forest National Park is in the months of January and February than June to August. The weather is perfectly dry with little or no rainfall. Wildlife viewing is better when the game is more concentrated around water sources and tracking gorillas and chimpanzees is much easier during the dry […]
Low season Gorilla Trekking In Bwindi
What is Gorilla Trekking like in the Low season months of April, May & November? Low season Gorilla Trekking In Bwindi Travellers seeking to see Mountain Gorillas in their natural habitat but have a limited budget should consider planning to go gorilla trekking In the low season months of April, May & November – also […]
Batwa Experience in Bwindi forest
The Batwa Experience Is an amazing experience highly recommended for travellers visiting Bwindi Forest National Park. The enchanting Batwa pygmies of Bwindi Forest National Park also known as the “Keepers of the Forest” are a hunter-gatherer tribe that lived side-by-side with mountain gorillas in Bwindi Forest years before it was gazetted as a National Park. […]
Gorilla trekking from Entebbe
Gorilla Trekking from Entebbe is popular with expats and other persons living or working in Entebbe Including Ugandans returning from the diaspora. These type of persons don’t have much time dedicated for long Uganda Safaris but can at least secure three (03) days off work. The most recommended weekend safari experience would be the very […]
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